What You Can Do with a Hockey Puck (aka Canadian Mooncake) in Wuxi, China


I brought this hockey puck to Wuxi.  I should have done it many years earlier when my school was still able to provide me with students to teach, but as the saying goes, better late than never.

After bringing the puck to Wuxi, I realised I could do two things with it.  One was getting the students to try and guess what the thing was.  Most had no clue it was a hockey puck.  The best guess was that it was a paper weight.  Two was telling the students that the puck was actually Canadian mooncake.  A hockey puck is about the same shape and size as mooncake which is traditionally eaten during the mid-autumn festival.

About wuxiandis

An English Teacher in Wuxi, China. Married to a local girl. Father of a boy born August 23, 2007.
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